Course President: Prof. Dr. Marcel Tanțău
Romanian ESD Task Force
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
In December 2023, we launched the Romanian ESD Task Force project, dedicated to advancing and disseminating advanced endoscopic resection techniques, with a particular focus on submucosal dissection.
Continuing our commitment, we are pleased to announce the next hands-on sessions on pig stomachs for initiation into the submucosal dissection technique. To ensure an effective learning experience, participation will be limited.
During the Digestive Endoscopy Cluj Workshop (September 18-20, 2025), we will organize the fourth hands-on session for twelve participants at the Practical Skills Center of UMF Cluj-Napoca, Str. Marinescu, No. 23.
President of SRGH,
Prof. Dr. Marcel Tanțău
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Cristian TEFAS, Marcel NARIȚA, Maria BUZIAȘ, Dr. Voicu MERCEA, Persida PRECUP
PARTICIPATION FEE: 400 RON (only 12 participants)
Participation in the Romanian ESD Task Force on September 19 is conditioned by registration at Digestive Endoscopy Cluj Workshop 19-21 September 2024, Cluj-Napoca (click here to register)
08:30 – Registration and Guidelines for participants
10:00 – 11:00 Session 1 (only 4 pax)
11:00 – 12:00 Session 2 (only 4 pax)
12:00 – 13:00 Session 3 (only 4 pax)